Congratulations, Dawning soul!

You're officially on your way to healing awareness, radical self-acceptance, and strategic action for a better future.

Based on your answers from this quiz,

At this time it's essential to investigate what's been holding you back, get clear on the healing abilities inside yourself, and commit to the growth and expansion that will set you free.

But no two paths look alike. 

Think of this like a Choose Your Own Adventure Journey into Yourself. 

The details will be completely unique to you, and your journey will be tailored to meet you where you are now — but every choice that you make along the way will be made with your eyes (and mind) wide open! 

Check out this video for a quick results recap

It’s safe to say that you’re awake! –ish

What you’re woke to is the fact that what’s been getting in your way has, in fact, been you all along.

The answer is clear, when you quit falling back to sleep and really think about it. (And stop blaming outside factors for your struggles and hang-ups. It’s OK, we all do it sometimes.) 

Maybe you fell a little too hard into an unhealthy habit, or you sabotaged yourself into a misery you couldn’t deny was self-inflicted,

or you just plain couldn’t handle living with your own mess anymore.


life came along and slapped you in the face a little too hard for you to pretend like you didn’t notice.

And with that noticing, you opened your eyes – not only the power within you to heal, but also your responsibility to show up and do better. 

For yourself, for your loved ones, for the sake of your very soul.

And that’s the metal from which heroes are made, my friend!

The courage it takes to stare your soul right in the face and say, “I’m not putting up with your BS anymore!” is David and Goliath type heroism.

And the grit it takes to come as far as you have is no joke!

Major, and I mean MAJOR RESPECT from my soul to yours🖖🏽


Hold onto your boots cuz life is about to get so much better!

A life where you’re happily in control, living with purpose, and no longer a slave to your vices is just around the corner!


To make lasting, healthy change for the better, you have got to stop judging yourself. 

Who you became as a result of the hard times you’ve been through was based solely on the knowledge you had and the tools you were given. You can’t be blamed for what you didn’t know, and judgment doesn’t get shit done, so leave it behind.  

Now you know better so you can BE better!

As you explore your path to your energetic healing, there will be a lot of unlearning to do. The coping mechanisms you adopted to survive as a child are no joke, and yes, your inner child is still crying, somewhere, just waiting to be understood.

Really, this is the process of evolving past the behaviors that helped you survive, so you can cultivate them into practices that will help you thrive.

So let's look your soul

right in the core wound

and find out what the fuck is up.

Much like a stray beam of sunlight to the face on a Sunday morning can get you out of bed early enough to actually greet the dawn, the light you shine on the core wounds and reasons why you struggle will be enough to

jump-start the healing process within you. 

Because dysfunction and shame can only live in darkness, and once you learn your trauma’s name, you can tame it and turn the mess into your message

Get ready to follow those early morning rays-

-as they chase the shadows out of their hiding spots and into

the light of day, where you can finally feel, deal

and heal them for good!

Because now that you’ve survived the Dark Night Of Your Soul, you’re ready to step into the Bright Dawn of Your Highest Self 🌞

Admitting you have a problem is the first step, and one that you know you can’t skip if you hope to see lasting change. 

But no matter how much you wish some soul guru could just come along and bippity boppity boo it all better, it’s dawning on you that no matter how much outside help you get (and I’m here to support you as much as you need, new friend!) only you can commit to becoming the person you came to this earth to be.

And believe me, I get it.

Even trying to figure out where to start can be so daunting that it takes the wind right out of your sails. 

Sure you can turn to Google, and even fill your shelf with Brene Brown and Viktor Frenkl’s ‘Man’s Search For Meaning.’

You can tune into Oprah’s Soul Sessions and experience second hand Ah Ha Moments. 

But it’s only through deep self-exploration and dedicated commitment to healing that you’ll achieve lasting change for the better. 

And your goal? Complete integration of past, present, and future into a cohesive whole that resonates on a frequency so rich and harmonious that the Universe starts delivering way bigger and better than you could ever dream up on your own.

It’s OK if that kind of energetic recalibration takes time. 

Maybe months go by where you ruminate on what you’ve learned and how far you’ve come. 

Sometimes you just have to sit back, relax, and let it buffer.

Because of your soul’s infinite capacity for growth and expansion, this journey is never really over. 

And the truth is: congratulations are in order! 

Because you’ve just taken the next best step on the path to true growth and transformation. 

By owning up to your responsibility in your soul’s purpose, you’ve already overcome the biggest obstacle to your healing journey - denial.  

You’re already a step ahead of the naysayers, the martyrs, and the comfortably discontented.

You’re ready to unlock the shackles of self-sabotaging habits, numbing coping mechanisms, and uncontrollable reactions to face the boogeyman who’s been running the show all along. 

Your shadow self. 

Here’s a little secret you need to know: you’re about to  go 10 rounds with the devil on your shoulder, the monkey on your back, and the skeletons in your closet!

And even though this battle might feel like your darkest night, the Dawning of your new day will be that much brighter and sweeter for its hard won victory!

You will be victorious! 

Because the power to heal has been within you all along!

(And now that you’ve got me by your side, it’s going to be so much less daunting, promise!)

You’re more than strong enough to face the darker truths behind some of your harshest enemies — your own resistance, fear, and yes, even victimhood.

Today is the day you commit to a new you. One who’s integrated yesterday’s lessons into tomorrow's solutions.

Prepare to meet that glorious sunrise with a lighter soul. 

Ready to embrace healthy change…  

… Expand your being into new dimensions…

… And bring balance, peace, and serenity to a life too long lost to chaos and confusion.

A future of clear Sunday mornings spent celebrating the life of your dreams, because you healed enough to believe that if you dream it, you can freakin’ do it! 

A future where you’re so self-aware that you don’t need your old habits and addictions to get you through tough times.

A future where you’re in charge of YOU and you’re constantly evolving.

You know, so you can master your own energy and harness your limitless potential?

(^^Limitless because there’s no end to what you can achieve if you step up and take responsibility for the transformation you KNOW you want!) 

Whether or not it feels like it at this moment, this space of awareness is the perfect place for the exploration of your transformation.

If you’re asking yourself...

“Is it just me or have I really been what’s holding me back all this time?

“Why can't I get out of my own way?”

“Is there a way for me to write my destiny differently?

...You’re in the ideal place to blow the lid off your own psyche and blast your energy engine with a nuclear infusion of Awareness, Acceptance, and Action. 

Because they didn’t teach you how to be a healthy, well-adjusted adult along with Pythagoras’ Theorem and Phys Ed.

But self-help isn’t something you have to do solo.

And while it’s true that nobody else can do this work for you, don’t fear — because you deserve a little helpful guidance, and I’m not just talking about Google.

A life of peace, balance, and serenity that you wake up excited to live isn’t just a dream for you, it’s your future reality!

Now's your chance to unlearn the coping mechanisms you formed in response to early trauma, and take charge of your life with healthy change that brings you peace, balance, and serenity. 

Take a deep breath.

Reach down deep for some honesty, forgiveness, unconditional love and compassion.

You’re gonna need them as you embark on your healing journey and come to understand every single choice you make, creates and ultimately defines your reality. 

“What you deny and ignore, you delay. What you accept and face, you conquer.”

― Robert Tew

The options at the end of this adventure aren’t Death ☠ or Happily Ever After ✨


Staying exactly where you are now in a doomloop – working to break through the cycles of struggle and coping in ways that aren’t healthy for you, and at the mercy of your own faulty fight or flight mechanisms. (But we already know you’ve come too far and worked too hard to uncover your core wounds to pick this one. No turning back now!) 


Finally understanding why you do the things you do, so your reactions don’t feel like you’re just along for the ride instead at the wheel and firmly in control. 

—or —

No longer numbing with addictive behaviors and harmful habits, because you’ve embraced and healed the pain that caused you to turn to them. 

—or —

Mastering your own energy and healing to the point where you feel like you have freaking super powers! (Did you know your soul can actually expand until your intuition feels like cosmic guidance? Because it is!)

Buuut… if you’re like me 🙄and sometimes (always) peeked at the back of the book to see which ending didn’t lead to certain doom, here’s an opportunity to take a glimpse at some of the other chapters you can look forward to👇

*Spoiler Alert!*

You could be so inspired by what’s to come that you want to get on the waitlist for the very next Soul Stretch retreat ASAP! (I might know how to make that happen 😉)

Ready for your sneak-peek flip through the pages of your very own Choose Your Own Adventure? Check out the results for the other stages on the Path to Soul Healing and Energy Mastery


Here are the 3 essential steps to set yourself free from

self-sabotage and core wounding...

Become Aware

You’ve been on this path for long enough to uncover the big traumas from your past and begin healing them, but there’s still a way to go. 

Little traumas can leave their marks on your behaviors just as much as big traumas, and you can still be surprised  when they get triggered, even after doing so much healing. Why? Because trauma is stored in your body at a cellular level – hence the term “deep inner work.”

Keep your eyes and mind open to any lingering issues that might crop up — this journey is ever evolving, just like you!

A Meditation to Become More Aware

1. Grab a journal or piece of paper.

Sit somewhere comfortable and safe and close your eyes if you’re comfortable doing so. If not, just gently soften your gaze. 

Allow your breath to come and go easily, Let thoughts come and go even more easily until you feel some peace in your mind. 

Then turn your thoughts towards your life. Then your body, and Look for where you feel resistance. 

2. Open your eyes, pick up your pen.

Write down 10 things that you are most unhappy about in your life. 

Think about the way you’re treated by people who are close to you.
Think about the demands your job makes on you.
Think about the promises you make to yourself that you push aside for other people. 

Maybe you have more than 10 but lots of them are little things.  Maybe you only have 5 major things that are bringing you down, but they’re pretty heavy. 

Write them down so they’re out of your brain, on the paper. 

4. Be fearlessly honest with yourself

Do any of the things on this list cross your boundaries? 

Maybe your boss keeps demanding extra time and effort without compensation.
Perhaps your partner hasn’t been an equal partner. 

Or your mom once again ignores you when you ask her to stop putting political posts on your social media page.

Anything that makes you unhappy because another person repeatedly refuses to treat you how you want to be treated or valued – is a violation of your boundaries. 

5. More importantly: Notice how that boundary violation makes you feel.

 You could feel tightness in your stomach, your back could hold tension, and your breath could hitch unexpectedly. That’s your body telling your mind to pay attention. Because even though your body is uncomfortable, your mind bears the burden of stress, exhaustion, and overwhelm.

6. Now, most important of all, what action are you going to take to address those problems? 

Knowing it’s a violation of boundaries doesn’t fix it. You have to do the work to communicate, resolve, and then enforce it so you don’t have to ever write it on your list again. 

Because the boundaries that you form around the way you’re treated, how you want to spend your energy, and what you accept from those you love —are the ways that you protect your energy, value yourself, and shape the way you want to move through the world. 

They’re also how you create protection around yourself as you continue to work your way out of rock bottom and into a life you feel in control of.

Once you have your list, you have a map to the parts of your life that need balancing.

Accept Without Judgement

Acceptance comes when you embrace what is. Then get comfortable

with who you are and what you have to work with. 

So even though your healing journey may have uncovered some less than stellar habits, (mine uncovered an addiction, thank God!) it’s also revealed the strength inside you that’s just been waiting for it’s time to shine. 

Welcome the signs your trauma has left and accept them as invitations to heal and recover. They’re here to help. They are your friends.

A Meditation To Melt Resistance and Embrace Flow

1. Sit and get cozy

Check in with your body and your breath. Feel for resistance, blocks, places where things feel stuck. 

2. Use your breath as a detective to feel what area

of your life resistance is showing up in 

Work, home life, your relationship with self and others. Explore those spaces and see if you can breathe some light into them as you work through how to approach the tension you uncover.  

3. Ask: what lesson are you here to teach me? 

How to let go? New opportunity coming? New chance for growth? Often resistance feels like tightening or even pain. Get to know it, it’s a signal to get your attention so it can nudge you in the right direction.   

4. Embrace that resistance. 

Thank it for being present and making itself known, so you can learn and grow from it.

5. Take a deep breath and let it all go. 
Let go of the resistance and feel it disintegrate from your body. 

Let go of the resistance and feel it disintegrate from your body. 

Take Action

Awareness and acceptance are crucial steps in this journey, but they’re useless if you don’t apply them and take action. 

Luckily for you, your newfound awareness has brought you to a point where you can’t just maintain the status quo, and the only way onwards is learning to walk through the fires of hell without getting burned. And yes, I do know for certain that’s possible, How? I did it and so can you.

Awakened action has become your best option, so let’s hop to it!

Start with allowing yourself to notice:

👀 When you fall into an old pattern. 

👀 When you feed an old addiction ramping up. 

👀 When you’re not living true to the person you want to be.

Then take a pause:

🕐 Stop to breathe instead of allowing trauma to take the reins. 

🕒 Hit ‘Time Out’ and make a conscious choice to be in the driver’s seat. 

🕑 Take a minute to play the tape all the way through and consider a different response, one that aligns with a healthier goal. 


Once you’ve taken stock, noticed an opportunity for improvement, and paused to consider the next step — it’s time to seize the fucking day, my friend!

Take all that healed, repurposed energy and redirect it — without trying to contain or suppress it — and pour it 100% into the action that best supports who you want to be. 

Live the change that you want to see in yourself. 

Work to recover and restore the things that have been lost to core wounding and chaotic dysfunction.

Things like serenity, balance,

and hope. 

You have the power to define whether your future is more of the same old shit you’ve been sitting in for far too long…

… or a new reality where you’re in charge of your own energy, finally at peace in your own skin, and no longer in resistance to what the universe can’t wait to provide for you. 

Ready to roll with the punches and respond rationally when life throws you more curveballs, instead of turning to things like comfort foods, cocktails or shopping carts. Or another bottle of Chardonnay. 

Comfortable with yourself because you’ve learned to trust yourself again.

Completely dialed into the world around you and open to commune with the universe and everything she has to offer your soul in guidance, resonance, and radical acceptance.

So, ask yourself the most important question of all,

“How do I want to live today?”

And then go out and fucking do it!


Curious who created this soul-stretching

energy mastery quiz?! 

If you’re looking for useful meditations, thought exercises, and the occasional funny meme to bolster you as you navigate the highs and lows of your energetic awakening.

Check out Toolbox Tuesdays on Soul Stretch by Sarah over on Facebook.

Check out the healing and energy tools I share on Instagram. Get the latest retreat details and stay up to date on any new therapeutic tools to help guide you along your healing journey.

Get on the Waitlist for my next

Soul Stretch retreat

Where we bring together a beautiful location, fresh, healthy meals prepared by our private chef, an absolute cornucopia of healing tools you can take with you, guided meditations to help your expansion and growth, and the compassionate support you need as you peel back the infinite layers of your soul’s limitless potential.

The Liberating Road Ahead

Freedom is on your horizon, friend

The sooner you take steps toward overcoming your addictions, indulgences, and faulty coping mechanisms, the sooner you can embrace living on the highest plane of your infinitely possible timelines. In short, you’ll be living your best life, without all the struggle and self-sabotage!    

Waking up to your Soul's Purpose is the perfect place to take stock of your life, the past that shaped you, and the behaviors that have been driving the boat for far too long.

You're an ever-evolving being of infinite potential,

and it’s time you started acting like it!

The most exciting thing about embracing your own energetic healing powers and focussing on your own soul’s expansion is the opportunity to redefine and create your future. This journey invites you to dream big and shoot for the stars …

and shift your energetic frequency to bring

the heavens to your fingertips. 

If you're not sure how to move forward right now, and you need to borrow some benevolent guidance and compassionate understanding— you can lean on me.

Check your inbox for a free Spine Opening Exercise, and be the first to know about any upcoming retreats that could help your Dawning awareness of your own responsibility

to heal and expand your soul.  

I feel compelled to help people avoid their own Dark Night of the Soul, or at least manage it better than I did when I found myself crawling around in Rock Bottom (and beyond!) With this kind of self-awareness and healing potential, nobody should have to crash and burn in mid-life crisis ever again!

See you soon

- Sarah