Breath work is by far your handiest, least expensive tool in the tool box. And IMHO it's the foundation of any solid, mindful, healing, spiritual practice. You always have it. It’s always working for your benefit. When you become aware and start mindfully practicing it, the real magic of being human and living on a rock hurtling through space starts to reveal itself
Your central nervous system calms as stress hormones decrease, helping you to relax, become present and reduce stress and anxiety you're holding on to.
Start with simply being aware that you’re breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth. Seriously, that's it. As you're reading this, just start to pay attention to the fact that you're breathing in and breathing out. That right there pulls you back into this now moment.
Easy right? Keep being aware of your breath whenever you remember to--sitting at red lights, waiting in line, when someone pisses you off...After you’ve gotten a handle on being aware that you're breathing try the 4-7-8 breath pattern:
Inhale for a count of 4, deep into your belly
Hold for 7 counts, imagine fresh oxygen swirling through your body
Drop your jaw and exhale for a count of 8, make a haaaa sound as you push the breath out
Repeat 3-5 times
(This is GREAT to practice when you have trouble falling asleep or going back to sleep, it's so relaxing!)
NOW pick up your pen and journal and write your response:
How do you feel? (Dig deep and be honest with yourself.)
Where do you feel it in your body?
What’s it trying to tell you?
And finally—find time and a way get your move on! Record in your journal a few sentences about it.
Day 2 in the books 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻