The very act of writing has been scientifically shown to be a creative process.
And pen to paper is proven to have more benefits than typing it out on your computer.
When you write, you're using the left side of your brain which is critical and rational, which gives the right side of your brain a chance to access your feelings, subconscious mind, and intuition without any mental blocks.
Think old-school style and bust out the Bic, baby! But if you won't do it because you're not into writing, there’s a bajillion ways to do it online. ( is one of them.)
The BIGGEST resistance to journaling you may have: What if your partner/kids/someone finds it?????
My answer: write sensitive entries on loose sheets of paper that you can burn or shred. And make a letting go ritual from that!
Daily Practice:
Sit as still as you can.
Start to pay attention to breathing, nice and easy.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Inhale all the way into your belly and hold for 4 counts. Drop your jaw and exhale.
Read the following questions:
If time and money were of no concern and you waved a magic wand over your life right now, what would your dream life look like?
What are you doing? What are you wearing? Who are you with? What are you feeling?
Be as detailed as possible. Close your eyes, get a vivid picture and be with the experience.
When you’re ready, open your journal, write what you saw and how it made you feel.
Now that you have that masterpiece etched in your mind and concretized on paper, what are some things that you're willing to change or let go of for you to create that life? List them.
Then sit quietly with your wrists on your knees, palms up. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth with an audible “haaaa” sound a couple of times. Close your eyes, observe your thoughts and be that way as long as you can.
And finally, MOVE--go shake what yo Mama gave ya and record it in your journal.
Day 3 Done 🥳