Listen to the body scan at the top of the page.
Fortunately for every soul on the planet, meditation is now mainstream. There are over 18,000 studies available to prove its benefits. When practiced regularly, meditation clears your mind and opens the doors to opportunities and synchronicity that will manifest the reality you want to create. The right people show up in the right places with exactly what you need, precisely when you need it.
Start noticing when things like this happen and they'll happen with more frequency. That’s how it works 🤷🏽
Meditation helps achieve two different states: it brings you closer to the calm & clarity you've been craving, and it helps you let go of subconscious, self-limiting beliefs that might be keeping you stuck in a place you don't like being stuck in.
You may resist it because you don’t see the value in it, can’t get yourself to sit still, or anytime you’ve tried it you're not sure you’re "doing it right" because you've been taught that you have to clear your mind of all thoughts and sit a certain way to be one with the universe.
That’s a bunch of bunk!
The Universe, God, Spirit, Source, Christ, Sneaky Jesus, Nature—whatever you want to call the quantum force conspiring for your success—simply doesn’t care HOW you connect—only that you do connect somehow.
Get in a comfy spot. Sit however you want or lay down if that feels better.
Listen to the body scan at the top of the page.
Anytime your thoughts start to wander, remember your breath and follow my voice. Easy peasy!
When you’re done, open up your journal and describe your experience—love, hate; easy, hard; blank mind, racing thoughts…
If you need to refresh your memory on the simplicity of it all, rewatch Rinpoche!
Day 4 DONE 🙌